French vocabulary test about party 🎉 // Are you ready to party in France?

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French vocabulary test about party 🎉 // Are you ready to party in France?


Bonjour tout le monde. Welcome to another French lesson. Today, I'm giving you a vocabulary test on the world of parties. It's almost back-to-school time, and every year many foreign students come to study in France or do an Erasmus program.

Of course, your main reason for coming is to study, but when you're a student, partying is also part of the experience. Today I'd like to give you a test to see if you're ready to party in France.

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Let's start with the first question. We start by taking some beers in a bar and around 1 am, we will go dancing in...


The correct answer is "we'll go box dancing". Literally, boîte means box. I know that non-native speakers are often taught to use the word "discothèque". Aller en discothèque. But in reality, it's a word that's no longer used at all by young people. Instead, it's the older generations who use it. Our grandparents. Today, we say "go clubbing".

I drank too much yesterday and I can't get up this morning. My stomach and head hurt. I...

The correct answer is "hangover". A hangover is a word used to refer to an animal's head. In colloquial language, we also use the word "gueule" to refer to a person's head or face. A hangover literally means that your face is made of wood.

Question three. I think Matthias is very handsome. I'm going to ask him... after class to meet him. I'm going to ask him for a drink...

The correct answer is A. I'm going to offer him a drink. When we talk about a glass, we're simply talking about the empty or full object. You can also ask someone to go for a beer or a coffee, but that's just a figure of speech. If someone invites you to have a beer or a coffee, you can of course choose another drink.

Question four. I'm having a ... at my house tonight. I've invited 40 people. Can you bring some beers and chips? ....

The correct answer is C. I'm having a party at my place tonight. Teuf is verlan for party. Verlan is a way of speaking in French that consists of inverting syllables. For example, "cimer" instead of "merci".

Question five. It was good... at Justine's. Originally, we were going to have a big party with 40 people, but in the end there were only 10. We still had a great time! ....

The correct answer is B. It was a nice evening at Justine's. The word "party" is used to refer to just about any activity you can do in the evening, indoors or out. It can be a big party, like dinner with friends. We can talk about an evening.

Question six. We take ... before going to the restaurant. I've got pastis and rosé. I also have olives, sausage and cheese. ...

The correct answer is C, have an aperitif. We usually have an aperitif in France, before lunch or before dinner. We will have a drink and generally chips, olives, sausage, things to nibble.

Question seven. Thibault drank too much alcohol at the party. He was drunk. Yes, he was really...

The correct answer is A, drunk. Drunk is a slang expression, in colloquial language, for drunk, to say that someone had drunk too much alcohol.

Question eight. I've just been hired after my internship and I'm really happy. Let's meet at the bar, I'll buy you a drink, I'll pay... ...

The correct answer is A. I'm buying a round. When you buy a round of drinks, you buy everyone a drink, at least the people you are with. That doesn't necessarily mean you buy a drink for everyone in the bar. But if you're a group of five friends, you buy all five drinks.

Question nine. I'm going to order from the bar. Would you like a beer? No, I'd rather ... please. I'd rather....

The correct answer is C. A pint. A pinte is a large beer, a 50-centilitre beer. There's a bit of a trap in France, because when you order a demi, you're really ordering a 25-centilitre beer. A demi is a half pint, not a half liter as you might think. So in France, a demi is a 25-centilitre beer and a pinte is a 50-centilitre beer.

Question ten. Claudia has too much ... last night she was drunk. She drank six pints. ...

The correct answer is D. Picoler.

Question eleven. I'm going shopping for the party. Can you pick up some... for me and I'll pay you back? Yeah, sure, do you prefer gin or rum? ...

The correct answer is B. You can have some tee for me. Tees is a slang word used by young people to refer to alcohol. So don't say that in a restaurant, for example; it's a word that young people use among themselves.

Question twelve I'm buying my round of... No thanks. I don't like a stiff drink. ...

The correct answer is C. De shooters. Shooters are shots. They're little glasses that you drink in one go. So to drink a shot means to drink all at once.

Question thirteen. I just found an apartment in Lyon. Congratulations! I'm getting out the champagne, let's toast! ...

The correct answer is D. Santé. Santé is the word we use in France when we toast something. You can say either santé or tchin tchin, or both together.

Question fourteen. The club closes at 2:00 a.m. but we go to my place afterwards to do...

The correct answer is C. An after party.

Question fifteen. I feel like ... tonight, but I don't know if I'd rather go to the theater, the cinema or have a drink.

The correct answer is B. I feel like going out tonight. We use the verb sortir to talk about activities we want to do outside the home. Going out clubbing, going to the theater, going out for drinks, for example.

That's the end of this quiz. I hope you enjoyed it.

Don't hesitate to let me know in the comments how many points out of fifteen you have.

See you soon.

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