❌ Use "NOT" less often! - 14 OPPOSITE ADJECTIVES in FRENCH 🇫🇷🎓

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❌ Use "NOT" less often! - 14 OPPOSITE ADJECTIVES in FRENCH 🇫🇷🎓


Today, we're going to look at some vocabulary words, alternatives to using "not" too often.

Let me give you an example. Instead of saying he's not happy, you can say he's unhappy. You'll know the right word to use to talk about something or a situation, to qualify someone or a situation, in a negative way.

And this will enable you to make simpler sentences because you won't have to use the "don't". She's not happy, she's unhappy.

You see, it's a slightly simpler sentence on the one hand, but at the same time you're using more complex, specialized vocabulary, which shows that you have a good knowledge of French.

Welcome to this new video. I hope you're all fit and motivated for another French lesson.

I keep telling you, watching YouTube videos is really great. You can learn a lot. But if you want to make progress, practice is essential.

You need to talk to native speakers, talk to other students, practice, practice, practice. It's essential to progress. That's why I'm so proud of the partnership between HelloFrench and Lingoda.

Lingoda is a videoconferencing course platform. I've already told you about it in a previous video. I'm very proud of this partnership because I think this platform is really great.

It lets you take the courses you choose according to your gaps, difficulties or interests. And that's great.

It's not a set program, so you can really choose what you need. Lingoda also offers subscription packages with the first two months of very intensive courses.

But what's really great is that if you go all the way, take all these courses, don't miss a single one, you can get a refund of between 50 and 100 % of the courses for these first two months of the subscription.

In addition to learning French, it's a great motivation to know that if you go all the way, attend every course, you can get a refund.

If you're interested, please go to their website to read all the terms and conditions. Thanks to this partnership, I have a promo code to use for these programs: language sprints.

I've included it in the video description. Feel free to use it if you're interested.

Let's go back to our video where we'll see antonyms, opposite words, opposite adjectives. It can be really interesting for you, to enrich, to develop your French vocabulary.

Let's get started! Let's start with the first word.

Something that isn't real is something that isn't real. It was a dream, it wasn't real. It's true that what I experienced in my dream was unreal. It couldn't be real. It's unreal.

Not effective, ineffective. When something isn't effective, doesn't work, we say it's ineffective.

This drug is ineffective in treating my illness. It is ineffective.

Not generous, stingy. Here, the word is very different. When someone isn't generous, he's stingy. It's because he's tight with his money, he doesn't like to spend a lot of it. My new boyfriend isn't generous.

We went to the restaurant three times and I paid all three times. He's stingy, he's not generous. He's stingy.

Not guilty means innocent. If you're not guilty, you're innocent. He didn't commit the murder. He's not guilty, he's innocent.

Not happy, unhappy. Chloé is not happy in Paris. She'd like to move to the South of France. Chloé is unhappy in Paris. She'd like to move to the South of France.

Not possible, impossible. I can't believe Michael Jackson is dead. It's not possible. I can't believe Michael Jackson is dead. It's not possible.

Not possible, impossible.

Not logical, illogical. Illogical means it doesn't make sense.

Uncooked, something that is not cooked, is something that is raw. Chicken is uncooked, inedible. Chicken is raw, inedible.

Not easy, difficult. You may already know this one. This calculation is not easy, I'll use a calculator. This calculation is difficult, I'll use a calculator.

Not heavy, light. This box is not heavy, I can carry it alone. This box is light, I can carry it alone.

This one's a bit tricky, in fact, as natives will often make a sentence in the negative and not use the right vocabulary word. It's a little more sustained language, so to speak.

When a fruit isn't ripe, it's called green. Green as in color. It doesn't necessarily mean it's green. It means it's not ripe. It's not going to be good to eat.

Don't eat this fruit, it's not ripe, it's still green.

Not positive, negative. Pierre thinks he's going to fail his French exam, he's not positive. Pierre thinks he's going to fail his French exam. He's negative.

Not opaque, transparent. Here, the two words are rather difficult. Something that's not opaque is something that's transparent. You can see through it.

These curtains are not opaque, I can see through to my neighbors. These curtains are transparent, I can see through to my neighbors.

That's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this video and especially that you were able to learn new vocabulary, enrich your vocabulary, enrich the French you already knew.

If you liked this video, of course, put a "like" and if you're new, subscribe so you don't miss any of my videos.

See you soon.

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