Learn French With News #12 - Alain Delon: Scandal surrounding his family.

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Learn French With News #12 - Alain Delon: Scandal surrounding his family.


You probably know Alain Delon, the famous French actor.

In recent months, his name has been much in the news.

The reason. Her three children tear each other apart in private and on TV.

But they all swear to one thing. They want to protect their father, now 88.

Welcome to another episode of Learn French with News.

Some of you have asked me to devote an episode to the Alain Delon affair.

So today we're going to use this current event to help you practice your French and learn some new words.

By the way, don't forget that you can download the free card containing all the words we'll be looking at in this video.

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Alain Delon is one of the world's best-known French actors.

Alain Delon was born in 1935.

Now 88, he spends his life between France and Switzerland.

What's more, he holds dual French-Swiss nationality.

He had three children from two unions.

Anthony, who is now 55.

He is the actor's first son.

With another wife, he had Anouchka, who is 33, and Alain-Fabien, who is 29.

Alain Delon hasn't been in the best of form in recent years.

In 2019, he suffered several strokes.

A stroke is a cerebrovascular accident, which means you have a problem with your brain.

Today, he is also said to have cancer.

As a result, he now seems very weak both mentally and physically.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, I'd like to take a minute to tell you about my online course.

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I put it on the screen.

Back to our Alain Delon case.

The first phase begins in July 2023.

This was the beginning of problems within the family, which at the time seemed very close-knit.

On July 5, the actor's three children will lodge two complaints against Hiromi Rollin, who was Alain Delon's lady-in-waiting.

In their view, she was taking advantage of their father's mental state and weaknesses.

The children accuse him of moral harassment, misappropriation of correspondence and animal abuse.

When we talk about hijacking correspondence, we mean that she would have read the actor's letters or emails.

And animal abuse means doing harm, causing harm to animals. Here, they accuse him of animal abuse towards the actor's animals.

I used the term "lady-in-waiting".

What is a lady-in-waiting?

Basically, it means she was Alain Delon's employee.

She helped him with day-to-day matters. She was a kind of assistant.

But little by little, they It would seem that they have become a couple.

In any case, Alain Delon has introduced her several times as his companion.

His companion means his wife, but they're not married.

Today, these complaints have been dismissed.

This means that they were unsuccessful because there weren't enough elements, testimonies or material evidence to support this.

For her part, Hiromi Rollin had also lodged a complaint against the family in July 2023, at the same time. She filed a complaint for violence during her eviction from the actor's home.

She was evicted, she was kicked out and she feels that it was done violently. This complaint, too, was unsuccessful.

So far, the family seems united, but this is the beginning of her media exposure. It's from this point onwards that we'll be seeing a lot more of her in the media. Second part of the story.

Let's fast-forward a little and find ourselves at Christmas 2023.

A photo will be published by Alain-Fabien, the youngest brother, on Instagram. The photo shows the Delon family celebrating Christmas Eve.

New Year's Eve is December 24. But in these photos, someone is missing. Someone is missing, not there.

Missing is Anouchka Delon, Alain Delon's only daughter.

Fans and the media are starting to wonder.

They wonder if there's a problem within the siblings.

A sibling is a group of brothers and sisters from the same family.

You're right to wonder, to ask questions.

On January 3, a few days after Christmas, an interview with Anthony Delon, the eldest brother, will appear in Paris Match magazine.

He announced that he had filed a complaint against his sister in November. Earlier, we saw a complaint and now, here, we're talking about a handrail.

It's not exactly the same thing.

A "main courante" is when you report an incident to the police, in particular so that there's a record of it. There won't necessarily be an investigation. A complaint, on the other hand, is an official statement that will initiate a police investigation and may eventually lead to legal proceedings.

Here, he simply filed a complaint against his half-sister.

So half-sister, because they only have their father in common, they don't share the same mother. But what is the purpose of this handrail?

According to him, Anouchka had concealed the results of her medical tests.

I told you at the beginning of the video, Alain Delon had several strokes in 2019.

These medical analyses involve cognitive tests.

So, cognitive tests are tests where we check the health of someone's brain.

And naturally, as you might expect, the results of these tests are negative.

Five tests were carried out between 2019 and 2022.

And for Anthony Delon, it's obvious that the whole family needs to know about his father's state of health.

Alain Delon failed these tests, which naturally indicates a deterioration in his state of health.

Anthony will tell Paris Match: "This shows a cognitive degradation that places my father in a position of psychological weakness and therefore vulnerability.

So, psychological weakness means that he can no longer necessarily make the right decisions for himself.

And vulnerability means it's weakened.

People can manipulate it more easily, for example.

Anthony Delon will also say: "What's serious for me is that, knowing Hiromi Rollin's actions, she concealed from us the distress in which our father found himself.

By remaining silent, she clearly put him in danger.

Putting someone in danger means putting them in a situation where people can take advantage of them, where they're not safe.

According to Anthony Delon, his half-sister hid the test results to serve her personal interests.

Anouchka Delon works for Alain Delon's production company.

And according to Anthony, this would have allowed his sister to remain at the head of the company for a while, to be able to make decisions that would be favorable to her.

Let me remind you that, at the time of this interview, it is January 3.

The same day, Alain Delon and his daughter Anouchka reacted.

Alain Delon is very angry with Anthony.

He's angry.

He's upset that he exposed his family in the media.

Alain Delon is shocked by the media debacle.

Media debunking is when you expose yourself, your private life in the media or someone else's private life.

Together with Anouchka, they are going to lodge a complaint against Anthony.

They are suing for defamation, slander, threats and harassment.

Defamation is when you say things about someone that aren't true, or say things about them that they didn't mean.

Slanderous denunciation means denouncing things again that are false or never existed.

Alain Delon even goes so far as to say, in very colloquial, slightly vulgar French: Qu'il me foute la paix et qu'il foute la paix à ma fille.

Foutre la paix, in vulgar language, means to leave someone alone. To leave someone alone means to leave someone alone, not to bother them.

According to Anouchka Delon's lawyer, Anthony is actually jealous of the relationship between her and their father.

So being jealous means being envious.

The fourth part of this story takes place on January 5, just two days after Anthony Delon's first interview.

To put it in context, Anouchka Delon lives in Switzerland.

His father has an apartment in Geneva, but he also has a residence, a house in the Loiret.

It's a region of France.

His medical follow-up is carried out in Switzerland.

So it's important to understand what happens next.

In this new interview, Anthony Delon accuses his sister of wanting to move their father to Switzerland for tax reasons.

This would be linked to a question of inheritance.

Inheritance is the money we receive when someone dies who is a member of our family or who has indicated this in his or her will.

This is a document in which we indicate the people to whom we wish to bequeath our property.

Indeed, the tax system in Switzerland is more advantageous than in France. An important point to note is that for everyone, Anouchka Delon is the favorite daughter and even the favorite child, because she's his only daughter.

But among the siblings, she would be Alain Delon's favorite.

In fact, her father appointed her executor of his will.

This is the person in charge of carrying out last wishes.

In fact, according to Anthony Delon, the will has been drawn up, and Anouchka will receive 50% of Alain Delon's wealth, while the two brothers will each receive 25%.

If we understand Anthony's point, it's that it would be in Anouchka's interest to keep their father in Switzerland, so as to pay less tax on the inheritance.

Of course, we'll see him later.

Anouchka says it's simply for medical reasons and to monitor Alain Delon's state of health.

Alain Delon's fortune is estimated at 300 million euros.

As I was saying, of course, Anouchka Delon denies this version and will be speaking on the 8.00 pm news on TF1.

It's the most watched newspaper in France and even in Europe.

Of course, she'll deny, firstly, that she withheld information about her father's state of health.

She says she was not aware of the negative results of the cognitive tests.

Then she says she wants her father to stay in Switzerland for medical reasons only, to follow up his treatment.

She explains that her father has been having check-ups in Switzerland for years. A check-up is when you check on someone's health, or how their health is progressing, and he does his check-ups in Switzerland every two months.

She goes on to say that a check-up was scheduled for August.

Let me remind you, this is January.

And that his brother was vehemently opposed. If we say he fiercely opposed it, opposed it, it means he categorically refused.

He opposed it very strongly.

Although, of course, he was receiving vital treatment and this decision would have been against the advice of the doctors.

She'll say It's indecent to make it look like a tax exile.

So indecent means that it goes against decency, that it's a lack of respect to think that about her, to present her like that.

So tax exile is when you go to another country to avoid paying taxes, or because it's an advantageous tax system.

So we pay less tax.

Fifth part of the story.

Until now, we hadn't heard much about Alain-Fabien, the youngest of the siblings.

On January 9, he too will take a stand.

I remind you, it was already him who had posted the photos at Christmas on Instagram.

This time, he's going to post on his personal Instagram account an audio of Anouchka taken without his knowledge.

She didn't know she was being recorded.

In this audio, she talks to her father, asking him to take a stand for her in the media.

If you'd like to listen to it, I've included it in the description along with all the sources I used to make this video.

Following the broadcast of this audio, Alain-Fabien will speak out in the media and reveal that he too filed a complaint against his sister in December.

He accuses the latter of using scoundrel methods.

To intimidate him and his brother.

When we talk about scoundrel methods, we're talking about dishonest methods, methods that could be used by thugs.

He'll also say this: For months, Anouchka had us all spied on by the bodyguards she had installed at Alain Delon's Loiret estate after Hiromi left.

According to Alain-Fabien, one of his bodyguards threatened to physically assault him in front of his brother and his niece, his brother's daughter.

He also says he came across a notebook in which he recorded everything, so he wrote everything down.

Basically, they were supposed to be bodyguards to protect, but in reality, according to him, he was spying on all of them.

They were spying on them, watching what he was doing.

A few days later, in mid-January, Hiromi resurfaced.

To resurface means to reappear.

We haven't heard from her for a few months either, but she's going to speak out because she's worried about the way the children treat their father.

I remind you that she presents herself as Alain Delon's companion.

It might seem logical that she'd worry about his health and the way his children treat him.

She will be asking for an investigation to be carried out as a matter of urgency, and therefore quickly.

She goes even further. She accuses the children of voluntary manslaughter.

When you accuse someone of voluntary manslaughter, you're accusing them of murder, of wanting someone to die.

In particular, she He will blame the decision of Alain Delon's children to stop his medication, to stop administering it to him, from the summer of 2023, just after his departure.

Moreover, his lawyer will point out that this treatment stabilized the development of the lymphoma from which he was suffering, and that this treatment has not been administered to him since July 2023.

So lymphoma is cancer.

So he'd been off his medication for six months.

And this would explain the sharp deterioration in his health in recent months.

As a result, we've heard a little less about this affair in the media.

So we assume that investigations are ongoing.

The latest information to come out in the media is that Anouchka Delon has filed a complaint against her two brothers, concerning the broadcast of this audio on Alain-Fabien's Instagram.

She sued them for invasion of privacy.

Her private life was exposed without her knowledge.

She was recorded without her knowledge.

A trial is scheduled for April 2025, i.e. next year.

This video in the Learn French with News series is now complete.

I hope you enjoyed it, and that you understood a little better what was at stake in this affair, what might have happened within the Delon family, the family of this famous actor.

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I'll see you soon, and don't forget to download the review sheet for all those new words.

See you soon.

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