Learn 50 Body words in French + Free PDF Worksheet

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Learn 50 Body words in French + Free PDF Worksheet

Do you know what this part of the body is called in French?

Do you know this one?

Hello ! Welcome to our new French vocabulary video.
Today, as you've probably gathered by now, we're going to take a look at body parts. We'll learn together 50 vocabulary words about the body. To support me, I now have an assistant, Mathieuwho's going to be my model.

Before you start, don't forget that you can download vocabulary card to review these 50 words which we're going to take a look at today. It's free and all you have to do is click on the link in the description.

So here we have the head. When we talk about the front of the head, we mean the face.

On the face, of course, the fronthere. The eyes. In the eyes irisso this is the colored part. You can see Mathieu's green eyes. And in the center, we have the pupil. This is the black part, the pupil.

Of course, to protect the eyes, we also have eyelashes. Eyelashes. Above the eyes, here we have eyebrows. Eyebrows.

Here, on the side, we have of course, an earso two ears and the lower part of the ear, here called the the lobe. The earlobe. The earlobe.

Here we have two cheeks, cheeks. In the middle of the face, of course the nose and to accompany the nose, we have two nostrilsThese are the two holes inside the nose.

Here, of course, we have mouth. Now that's a pretty basic vocabulary word and the lips. The lips.

Inside the mouth, if you can smile, we have teeth. Teeth. And of course, a language.

Thank you, Mathieu. You've seen Mathieu, he's a very, very good actor.

Here, at the front, we have the neck. The neck. At the back of the neck, i.e. at the beginning of the back, this is called the neck. The neckis this part.

And then, of course, we got it all the back. Here we have shoulders. The shoulders.

Here, you can see this whole section. the arm. The arm.

And the front part of the arm, we'll call that, forearm. So here, you see, it's a forearm.

If we go back a bit to that level, here we have what we call armpits, an armpit.

Here, in the middle of the arm an elbow. The elbow.

So we saw the forearm. Here we have a wrist, the wrist. So here, Mathieu has a watch on his wrist.

Of course, here we have the hand. And on the hand, we have fingers. Fingers.

So here we have the thumb. The thumb. Here, next to the thumb, we have the index, the middle finger, the ring finger. So you see, the ring finger is generally where you put your wedding ring. Mathieu's is on his other hand, here. the ring finger.

And finally, the smallest finger on the hand is called : the little finger. The little finger. But very often we simply call it "the little finger".

So here, between the neck and the lower abdomen, it's the trunk.

So on the trunk, we'll find here the thorax. The thorax. At this level, in a woman, we will find the chest or breastsyou might say.

Here, of course, we have the belly, the belly and in the middle of the belly a navel, a navel.

Thank you Mathieu. At Mathieu's, we can't show them because he doesn't have many. But there's a very cute word in French called "love handles. Love handles. It's a colloquial word we use to refer to the fat we can get here, on the side. So it's kind of cute. It's a pretty word, it's not... I think in all languages... I think in all languages, it's not necessarily presented that way.

At least in French it doesn't "sound" like a defect when you hear the word.

Then, here we have the hips. Can you show your hips? It's right up there.

So when we go down to the lower body, we of course have private parts or sex. You can use both expressions, whether for a girl or a boy. And of course buttocks.

Further down, of course, we have the legs. The legs. We have thighs. The thighsso it's the top of the legs.

In the middle knees. Knees.

When we go down, we have shins, shins.

At the rear, of course calves. So calvesThis is the back of the tibia.

At the intersection between shins and the footwe have the ankle. The ankle.

Obviously, we have feet. Two feet.

And toes are called toes. The toes.

So we're mainly going to talk about of the big toe and of the little toe. This is the biggest and the smallest. The others, we'll just say either toesor toesquite simply.

We have heels.

Thank you very much Mathieu for your help and participation.

Thank you very much for watching this video. Don't forget that you can download vocabulary card to review all these body parts.

Many thanks to Mathieu for his participation and for playing the model in this video.

If you liked it, remember to put a "like". You know it gives us a lot of strength and support. And don't forget to subscribe, if you haven't already.

See you soon for another French video.

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