"La bise" in FRANCE, a STRANGE CUSTOM?! (+ how many kisses in France)

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"La bise" in FRANCE, a STRANGE CUSTOM?! (+ how many kisses in France)


With you, it's more like one, two, three, four.

Have you ever heard French people say "chez nous, c'est trois"?

They're talking about kisses, of course. Kisses are the kisses you give when you say hello to someone, when you greet someone. When you turn your cheek.

I don't know how it is in your country, but in France, depending on the region, sometimes even the city, we can say hello with a kiss, two kisses, three kisses and sometimes even four kisses.

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Today, I'd like to offer you a video that's a little more cultural. A lot of you have been asking me for videos where we can learn a little more about French culture and everyday life in France.

First of all, don't forget to support my channel by "liking" this video and subscribing, if you haven't already done so.

Kissing hello or goodbye in France is a real ritual.

This custom can sometimes make foreigners laugh, especially Anglo-Saxons. I understand that they, or if you're Anglo-Saxon, you, find this custom a little strange.

The first question is: why? Why does the number of kisses varies from region to region, from city to city?

Well, I don't have the answer, and I don't think anyone does. It's still a total mystery why there are such differences in places that are so close.

These are just habits that seem to have taken root. You also have to realize that it's not an easy thing to do, even when you're French.

We don't exactly have in mind how many kisses we should give each other, depending on the region. Another question is which side to start with.

In some regions, we start saying hello from the right like this, and in others we start from the left, so in the opposite direction. This can also be confusing.

Firstly, we're not sure how many kisses to give, and secondly, we're not sure which side to start on either.

For example, in Paris or in Brittany, we always start with the right, whereas in the south of France, we start with the left. And that can create some awkward situations.

If I usually start on the right and the other person on the left, we can end up facing each other and that can be very awkward for you. For example, if you're in a couple with a French woman and you want to say hello to your mother-in-law, that can be very awkward.

You may find yourself mouth to mouth. As I said, even the French don't know exactly how many kisses to give, where to give them. For example, in Montpellier, it will be three kisses. In some parts of Normandy, it will be four.

In Paris, it's usually two. It's so complicated, in fact, that a website has been launched called combiendebises.com, where you can find a map of France showing the number of kisses given in each department.

You too can complete this map according to the department you live in. I'll show you this site. In fact, I'm going to put it in the description. It says that this map will help us to keep track of the number of kisses as we travel around France.

And whether to start saying hello from the right or the left. In some regions, it's really clear-cut. For example, in the Drôme, there's the town of Valence, I don't know if you know it.

We're at 91 % of people who say they give three kisses. It's pretty clear and simple here.

We can see that in some départements, it's a bit of a mixed bag. As you can see, in the Lot department we're at 57 % two kisses and 33 % three kisses. Sometimes, even in towns that are very close to each other, for example Nîmes, we'll give three kisses, whereas in Marseille, which isn't far away - it's the department right next door - we'll give two.

If you're not sure, make two, as it's usually the number that stands out the most.

On the other hand, if you go to Belgium, in the neighboring country, it will always be a single kiss.

That's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this more cultural video, and that it gave you a chance to practice your listening comprehension.

If you liked it, of course, put a "like" and subscribe.

See you soon.

🚀 Transform your understanding of French IN 15 MINUTES A DAY

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