"Ouf, c'est ouf" - French definition and pronunciation

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"Ouf, c'est ouf" - French definition and pronunciation

📖 Definition of the expression "Ouf / C'est ouf".

The expression "C'est ouf'" means that something is crazy, surprising, almost unbelievable. It's the word "fou" in verlant, in reverse. When we say that someone is "ouf", we mean that he or she is incredible, in the good or bad sense of the word. It depends on the context and intonation.

🖼 Illustration of "ouf, c'est ouf" in pictures!

This man thinks what he sees is crazy
This cat thinks something is crazy

🗣 Pronunciation in French

🥳 Use in a close, familiar environment

"I beat Usain Bolt in the 100 metres, it's amazing! It's incredible!"

"He insulted me for no reason at all! I don't understand his attitude."

"This girl is crazy, she's beautiful, funny and intelligent all at the same time! She's incredible."

👩🏼‍💻 Use in a professional, formal environment

The expression "ouf" should never be used in a professional environment, as it's slang.

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