📖 Definition of the word "la bouffe" - "to eat".
Bouffe is slang for food. We use the term "bouffer" to mean "to eat", it's a synonym. For example, "j'ai envie de bouffer" is the same as "j'ai envie de manger".
🖼 Illustration of "bouffer" in pictures
🖼 "Food" illustration
🗣 Pronunciation in French
🥳 Use of chow in a close, familiar environment
"I'm so hungry for food, is there anything in the fridge?"
"I ate too much, my stomach hurts a lot".
"There's too much food in this cupboard, I know where to start!"
👩🏼💻 Use in a professional, formal environment
The term "bouffer" can be used with close work colleagues, with people you know well. You might suggest to your colleague that they go out for a bite to eat, but you wouldn't say that to your superior or to someone who isn't too close.