Episode #5 Press review from January 12 to 18, 2020

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Episode #5 Press review from January 12 to 18, 2020

The news of the week of January 12 to 18, 2020 

  • Pension reform in France, demonstrations continue [spp-timestamp time="00:00:46″]
  • A referendum proposed in Russia to give more power to the parliament [spp-timestamp time="00:01:38″]
  • The the first French jihadist convicted has justbe released [spp-timestamp time="00:02:19″]
  • Woman appointed to top Vatican post for first time [spp-timestamp time="00:03:05″]
  • The BMW in which the rapper Tupac has was murdered auctioning [spp-timestamp time="00:03:55″]
  • Explanation of the week's vocabulary [spp-timestamp time="00:04:40″]

Every Saturday, HelloFrench publishes a podcast that immerses you in the news of the week. Each press review is accompanied by a transcriptionof a vocabulary list and a quizto help you improve your French and test yourself.

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Quiz: did you understand everything?

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When we say that "something has happened", we mean...
What does En Marche, the party of the majority in France, propose for a parent who loses a child?
What is the ship that rescued the migrants waiting for to land them?
What does the phrase "just barely" mean as in the sentence, "I just barely made it to the second year of medical school."?
What does "pass away" mean, as in the phrase "Kobe Bryant has passed away"? Check all the correct answers.
When you coerce (from the verb "to compel") someone... Check all the right answers.
The former king of the Belgians has admitted being the father of an illegitimate child, Delphine Boël. What does this revelation imply?
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Welcome to the press review of Hello French, the podcast that immerses you in the news of the week, to help you improve your French.

In the spotlight for this week of January 12-18, 2020

  1. Pension reform in France: the [tooltips keyword="manifestations " content="demonstrations"] continue
  2. In Russia, a referendum proposed by Putin could give a little more power to the parliament. An announcement that led to the resignation of the Prime Minister.
  3. France's first convicted jihadist has just [tooltips keyword="être libéré " content="to be freed"] after 5 years of [tooltips keyword="incarcération " content="imprisonment"].
  4. tooltips keyword="pape" content="pope"] Francis appoints first woman to top Vatican post
  5. The BMW in which rapper Tupac was [tooltips keyword="assassiné " content="killed"] has just been [tooltips keyword="mise aux enchères" content="auction"] for 1.5 million euros.

44th day of mobilization in France against the pension reform bill. A few days ago, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe proposed a [tooltips keyword="compromis " content="agreement"]. He proposed maintaining a points-based retirement system, but keeping the retirement age at 62, subject to certain conditions. Under the first version of the reform, the retirement age was to be raised to 64. The [tooltips keyword="unions" content="union"] decided to reject the compromise, and demonstrations resumed in earnest. This week, thousands of demonstrators marched in Paris to assert their [tooltips keyword="mécontentement" content="dissatisfaction"]. For them, there can be no compromise: they want the reform to be scrapped altogether. The unions are calling for massive strike action in all professions and throughout France on January 22 and 23.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is proposing to hold a referendum on constitutional reforms. He announced this this week in his annual [tooltips keyword="discours " content="speech"] to members of parliament and the political class. While the system would remain presidential, the aim of these reforms would be to strengthen the powers of parliament. The choice of prime minister would henceforth fall to parliament, whereas until now he or she has been appointed by the president himself. No date has yet been set. A few hours after this announcement, Prime Minister Medvedev announced the [tooltips keyword="resignation" content="resign"] of his government. He has now been replaced by the head of the Russian tax authorities.

Flavien Moreau, the first French jihadist to be convicted on his return from Syria, has just been released from Condé-sur-Sarthe prison. [tooltips keyword="converted " content="converted"] to Islam and then [tooltips keyword="radicalized" content="radicalized"], he had been spotted by anti-terrorist services after an initial stay in Syria. He was arrested in France in January 2013 while planning to return to Syria. Now 33, he was sentenced in November 2014 to seven years in prison. His release comes with various obligations lasting just under a year. These include finding a job, residing in a specific location, receiving medical treatment and, above all, not leaving the country. The former [tooltips keyword="détenu " content="inmate"] must also report to his local [tooltips keyword="gendarmerie " content="police station"] every morning.

This is a first in the history of the Vatican. A woman has just been appointed Undersecretary of the Section for Relations with States, the equivalent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A [tooltips keyword="poste " content="job"] very important diplomatic position for the Catholic state. Francesca Giovanni has been working in state relations for 27 years. Aged 66, the new Foreign Minister is a specialist in international law and human rights. This is the first time a woman has held a senior position in the Secretariat of State. Francesca Giovanni believes the Pope has taken a groundbreaking decision. She explained that, beyond her personal promotion, this decision represents a positive sign for women. Today, only six women hold positions of responsibility in the Vatican.

A BMW already sold for 1.3 million euros in 2017 put up for sale again. This is the car in which rapper Tupac was murdered. This time, it's being auctioned for [tooltips keyword="modique somme" content="modest price"]... 1.5 million euros, or $1.75 million. Fully restored, the car has 121,000 km on the clock. The famous American rapper was murdered during a [tooltips keyword="fusillade" content="shooting"] in Las Vegas, as he was leaving a boxing match. It was September 13, 1996, and Tupac was barely 25 years old.

Vocabulary of the week

Enrich your French vocabulary, download our list of key words for the week of January 12-18, 2020.

🚨Demonstration: a gathering of people who want to express their opinion together, usually in the street.
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧La mobilization: people gather to show their opinion, their opinion. They mobilize for or against something.
🤝Compromise: is when we try to agree with someone who has a different idea than ours. We try to choose an option in the middle, which can then suit everyone.
👵The pension: it is the retirement, the period of life when you stopped your professional activity.
📣The union: an association that defends common rights and interests.
😡Discontent: a situation in which you're not happy.
👷‍♀️La profession: it's the job. We also use "the profession" to refer to a group of people doing the same job.

📈Repartir de plus belle (expression): to start again or continue with greater intensity.

📮The referendum: it is a vote where we ask the opinion of the population. We want to know if they are for or against a change.
💬The speech: we speak in front of people. We can make a political speech, a speech at a wedding, a birthday party, a meeting...
✋Resignation is when you leave your job.
💸The taxman: this is the tax department, the tax administration.
🆓Être libéré (verb): to be released from a situation in which one is physically confined. This expression can also be used for situations of moral or social confinement.

🚓Incarceration: one is in prison, one is imprisoned.
🙏Converted (adj): one has been convinced by something. In the podcast, we use the term "convert" to refer to someone who didn't believe in a religion before and now does. You can be a convert to Islam, to the Catholic religion, to Judaism...
👿Radicalized (adj): when we say that someone has become radicalized, it means that they believe in their opinions more strongly than before. Here, when we talk about radicalized, we mean that someone, in the name of an ideology (religious or political), resorts to violence.
🚓The inmate: this is someone who is in prison.
🚓The gendarmerie: it's pretty much like the police except that in France, the gendarmerie depends on the army.

⛪️Le pope: the head of the Catholics. He is the head of the Vatican state.
🏳️La diplomacy/ diplomatic (adjective): relations with other countries.

🔫To be murdered: to be killed by someone.
💵Auction (verb): to sell in a system where people can indicate the maximum price at which they want to buy an item. The person who offers the highest amount gets it.
💰Pour la modique somme de: when we say that something has a modest value, it means that it's really cheap. The expression can be used ironically to emphasize a price that's too high, too big.
⛏Restore/be restored: to restore to its original state, to repair. The verb restore is often used to refer to works of art, heritage, cultural property...
🏎X kilometers on the odometer: the number of kilometers a car has traveled.
🔫The shootout: an exchange of gunfire, where everyone shoots at each other.

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