Episode #6 Press review from January 19 to 25, 2020

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Episode #6 Press review from January 19 to 25, 2020

The news of the week of January 19 to 25, 2020 

  • Coronavirus: what developments? [spp-timestamp time="00:00:37″]
  • Escape of 80 prisoners in Paraguay [spp-timestamp time="00:01:52″]
  • Donald Trump flaunts his anti-abortion views [spp-timestamp time="00:02:37″]
  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle renounce their royal titles [spp-timestamp time="00:03:15″]
  • Explanation of the week's vocabulary [spp-timestamp time="00:04:22″]

Every week, HelloFrench publishes a podcast that immerses you in the news of the week. Each press review is accompanied by a transcript, a vocabulary list and a quiz, so you can improve your French and test yourself.

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Welcome to the press review of Hello French, the podcast that immerses you in the news of the week, to help you improve your French.

In the spotlight for this week of January 19-25, 2020

  1. Coronavirus. 54 deaths and almost 1,300 cases. The Chinese [tooltips keyword="métropole" content="metropolis"] of Wuhan [tooltips keyword="mise en quarantaine" content="quarantine"].
  2. In Paraguay, nearly 80 prisoners [tooltips keyword="s'évadent " content="to escape"] through a tunnel.
  3. Donald Trump. First U.S. president to march [tooltips keyword="anti-abortion " content= "anti-abortion" ]
  4. Britain. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle renounce their royal titles.

Coronavirus epidemic in China. No more planes or trains are leaving the city of Wuhan. The Chinese metropolis has been quarantined even before its 11 million inhabitants can organize their [tooltips keyword="eventual" content="potential"] departure. This decision was taken by the authorities on Thursday January 23, as the epidemic began to [tooltips keyword="se répandre " content="to disperse"] in the rest of the world. Several cases have been detected [tooltips keyword="hors de " content="out of "] China, including 3 cases in France, 5 cases in Thailand, 4 cases in Australia, 3 cases in Japan, 3 cases in Malaysia, 3 cases in Singapore, 3 cases in Taiwan, 2 cases in the United States, 2 cases in South Korea, 2 cases in Vietnam and 1 case in Nepal. Residents were still able to leave the city by car on Thursday morning. However, police officers were stopping vehicles to [tooltips keyword="prendre la température" content="measure temperature"] passengers. City Hall also imposed the wearing of masks to prevent the spread of the virus within the metropolis. The virus has already caused the death of 54 people. 1,300 cases have been [tooltips keyword="décelés " content="detected"], including 237 critical cases. A sad Chinese New Year and cancelled festivities in Wuhan.

An escape worthy of an action movie. In Paraguay, 80 [tooltips keyword= "détenus " content= "inmate"] escaped from a prison via a tunnel on Sunday. Most of these prisoners are part of Brazil's largest gang of [tooltips keyword="trafiquants" content="dealers, trafficker"] drug and arms traffickers. [Digged" content= "to dig, dug"] with the complicity of a [tooltips keyword= "gardien de prison" content= "prison guard"], the tunnel is 25 metres long and has been [tooltips keyword= "aménagé" content= "equiped"] with [tooltips keyword= "éclairages" content= "lighting"]. The tunnel, which [tooltips keyword="construction" content="build"] must have taken several weeks to complete, leads directly from the prison's [tooltips keyword="sanitary facilities" content="sanitary facilities"] to the guard's shelter. The authorities [tooltips keyword="removed" content="removed"] the prison director from his post and arrested dozens of guards. The fugitives have still not been [tooltips keyword="spotted" content="spotted"]. 5 [tooltips keyword="vans" content="vans"], in which some of the fugitives were transported, were found [tooltips keyword="burned" content="to burn, burned"] beyond the Brazilian [tooltips keyword="border" content="border"]. Brazil has stepped up its security to capture them.

This Friday in the United States, Donald Trump became the first American president to oppose abortion by taking part in the March for Life. A great honor, according to the president. Yet 20 years ago, the [tooltips keyword="businessman" content="businessman"] positioned himself as "pro-choice". A few months before the US elections, the [tooltips keyword="billionaire" content="billionaire"] makes a [tooltips keyword="360-degree turn" content="U-turn"] to become the most anti-abortion president in the country's history. Meanwhile, the [tooltips keyword="trial" content="trial] to [tooltips keyword="impeachment" content="impeachment"] the president is still underway in the Senate. This follows the House of Representatives' vote in December to impeach Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

With Brexit just days away, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and little Archie are relinquishing their royal titles. Earlier in the month, the couple had already announced that they were relinquishing their roles within the royal family. Harry and Meghan have therefore decided to become even more independent. The royal couple will stop receiving public funds and have pledged to [tooltips keyword="rembourser " content="refund"] past expenses, including the restoration of a residence. This was a tough decision for the Duke and Duchess, who had hoped to be able to live off their work and [tooltips keyword="reside " content="live"] part of the year in Canada. While they are and always will be part of the family for Elizabeth II, the [tooltips keyword="queen" content="queen"] of England, they are no longer considered active members of the royal family and are freed from their representative role. For Harry, this decision also means relinquishing his official military commitment, including his position as Captain General of the Royal Navy. A position held for 65 years by Harry's grandfather before he [tooltips keyword="passer le flambeau" content="to pass the torch"].

Vocabulary of the week

Enrich your French vocabulary, download our list of key words for the week of January 19-25, 2020.

■ Case: this is a fact, a situation. Here, we speak of a case to refer to situations of sick people who have been detected.

🏬🏣🏢🏪The metropolis: a very large city, the main city of a region

✋To quarantine (expression): people are separated from other people, prevented from going to other places. Usually to prevent a disease from spreading.

■ Epidemic: it is a contagious disease, which can be caught, which spreads in the population, among people.

■ Eventual(le) (adjective): that may or may not happen. When we say "their eventual departure," maybe they want to leave, maybe not.

■ To spread (verb): to spread, to spread. The disease spreads; it spreads; it affects more people.

■ Detect, detect (verb): one has discovered, found. The disease has been detected or detected in people

■ Out of (expression): outside, something happens outside a place or setting. We can say "hors de" to mean "outside a country". For example, "I live outside of France" or "Out of my sight!" to say that one does not want to see someone anymore.

🚗The vehicle: it is a car, a truck, a scooter... Something that is used to transport us, a means of locomotion.

🌡Taking the temperature: finding out how hot or cold it is around us. We can take the temperature of a room or of someone, of their body.

■ Passenger: is a person who is carried by a means of transportation but does not drive it. One can be a passenger in a car, a boat or even a plane.

■ Mask: it is something you put on your face to disguise, to hide it or to protect yourself. One can put on a mask for the carnival or a mask to protect oneself, so as not to catch or transmit any disease.

■ The virus: it is a disease that spreads, spreads.

■ Escape (verb): To take flight, to leave, to escape. Generally, one escapes because one wants to avoid someone or a situation.

■ The tunnel: a passage dug into the ground.

■ The inmate: it's a prisoner, that's what we call someone who's in jail, in custody.

⛏ Dig (verb): to make a hole, you can dig in the ground to make a tunnel, dig a grave to bury someone, dig to make a basement.

■ Drug dealer: this is a person who deals drugs, who sells in an illegal way, prohibited by law.

🔫The weapon: it is a tool, an instrument that is used to hurt or kill. It can be a firearm (a rifle, a revolver...) or a bladed weapon (a knife, a sword...).

■ Prison guard: this is the person who watches over a prison, a penitentiary, who monitors the prisoners.

■ To arrange (verb): to arrange a place, to put things in place in a space. One can arrange an apartment, for example.

■ Lighting: it's what allows you to have light.

🏗 Construction: this is the creation of a building. We can build, build a house, for example.

🚿🚽 Sanitary facilities: this word is used to refer to both the toilet and the bathroom (shower, bathtub...). These are the facilities for "washing", for hygiene.

■ Fugitive: this is a person on the run, who has escaped.

■ Spot (verb): see, find. For example, "I spotted a nice skirt on sale" or "The fugitives have not been spotted yet."

🚐The van: it's a small truck. A vehicle between a car and a truck. We will, for example, use it to work or to move.

🔥Incendi (verb): To set on fire

■ The border: is the boundary between two things, usually between two countries. The line that separates them.

■ Capture (verb): To take someone or an animal prisoner.

🤰🏽L abortion: this is the act of terminating a pregnancy while pregnant. Abortion can be natural or induced. It is also called abortion: voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

⛔️Anti : it is when you are against something. "I am anti-capitalist, he is anti-abortion. We can put the word anti in front of things we are against.

📃Election: a vote to elect someone, to have someone represent us.

🙋‍♂️L businessman: it is a businessman (this word is also used in French), it is someone who earns money from his professional activity, a professional activity that remains a bit vague.

💰Billionaire: someone who is very, very rich, who owns billions.

■ To make a 360-degree turn (expression): to change one's opinion completely.

👨🏼‍🎓Le trial: it is when one goes to justice and that a judge will return a decision, a judgement.

■ Impeachment: it is a sanction that consists in depriving someone of his function (king, president, director...).

■ To depose (verb): it is the act of depriving someone of their office (king, president, director...).

■ To give up (verb): to give up a right voluntarily, one chooses to give up something.

■ Becoming independent: becoming more self-reliant from someone or something. Being able to stand on your own two feet. For example, "I became independent when I turned 18. I got a job and I pay the rent on my apartment."

💸Rembourser (verb): to return money owed to someone, a bank or the state.

👑The duke and duchess: these are titles of nobility. Dukes and duchesses are just below princes and princesses.

🏠Reside (verb): to live, to inhabit. For example, "I reside in Japan ."

👑The queen: this is a ruler of royalty, the woman who rules a kingdom.

🔥Passer le flambeau (expression): to hand over one's function to someone else, to entrust the continuation of a task to someone else.

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