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I teach French as a foreign language (FLE).

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LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Poser un lapin

Transcript Hi everyone, hope you're well and having a great day. Welcome to this video where we're going to take a look at a French expression in just a few minutes. Today, we're going to take a look at an expression that's quite


LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Ça va sans dire

Transcript of the video Hi everyone, hope you're well. Welcome to this new video where we're going to take a look at a French expression in just a few minutes. Today, we're going to take a look at the expression "ça va sans dire". Before


LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom : Au pif

Video transcript Bonjour tout le monde, bienvenue dans cette nouvelle vidéo où nous allons voir une expression française en quelques minutes. Before we start, let's pick three cards at random. You didn't understand what I


LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Boire des coups

Transcript of the video Bonjour tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien. Today I'm back with another video about a French expression. The expression we're going to see today is quite familiar. It means to drink. Cheers. Boire

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