LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Boire des coups

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LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Boire des coups

Transcript of the video

Hello everyone, hope you're well.

Today, I'm back with a new video on a French expression.

The expression we're going to see today is quite familiar. It means to have a drink.


Boire des coups is simply an expression that means to drink a glass or to drink glasses.

It's when you're going to spend a convivial moment, a nice moment with friends or family, for example, and you're going to have a few drinks, so you can have a Coke, a beer or a glass of wine.

The idea is just to spend some time together, either in a bar - it's often in a bar that you go for a drink. But it can also be at your place, in apartments, at a friend's place, at your lover's place. The idea is to have a good time, a moment of sharing. I'm going to give you two little contextualizations to help you understand the expression and use it. For example, if I ask a colleague what he did this weekend.

He can tell me I haven't done much. I've just been out drinking with friends. Another example might be if someone writes me a little message asking if I'm available. I can answer no. I'm making a YouTube video right now, but if you want, we can meet up afterwards for a drink at the little bar downstairs. That's it for today. That was pretty short.

I hope you enjoyed this video and learned a new expression. If you liked it, don't forget to put a like on the video. And if you're new to the news? Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss a single video. See you very, very soon, it's a beautiful day too.

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