LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Un coup de mou

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LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Un coup de mou

Transcript of the video

Hello everyone, hope you're well.

Today, we're going to take a look at the French expression avoir un coup de mou. Before you start, don't forget to activate the subtitles to make sure you understand everything in the video. Avoir un coup de mou means feeling a little depressed, experiencing temporary fatigue. You're not born, you're not born in great shape. It can be physical or psychological, but you're not in a slump.

I'm going to give you some context. This will help you to understand the expression better and, above all, to be able to use it for yourself. Here's a first context. I had a bit of a slump after lunch. I'd eaten too much. I just felt like sleeping and not working. Here's a second example. Whenever I'm feeling down, I watch a Jim Carrey movie and I feel a lot better. I feel much happier and more positive.

And finally, here's one last bit of context to help you understand every time I feel a little down because I miss my family. I call them on Skype, on video, and right away, things are much better. If you too are feeling a little down because winter is approaching and you're feeling tired. Remember to take vitamins. That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this expression and learned a few things.

If so, please remember to give me a thumbs-up. If you're new to the news, please subscribe. It helps me a lot and I'll see you very, very soon. Have a nice day!

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