Free resources to learn French 🇫🇷

In this category, you will find useful resources for improve your understanding written and oral, as well as tips to help you develop your grammar, vocabulary and spelling skills.

You will find a variety of items to help you accompany you in your learning process of the French language: articles on French culture and civilization, practical exercises to better understand the French grammartips to improve your pronunciation, and much more.


LEARN FRENCH IN 3 MINUTES - French idiom: Taking a step back

Transcript Hi everyone, hope you're doing well. Welcome to another video where we're going to look at a French expression in a few minutes. Today, we're going to look at the expression take a step back. This expression was requested by a


LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom: Toucher du bois

Transcript Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well, I'm back today for another very short video where we're going to look at a French expression together in a few minutes. Today, we will see the expression toucher du bois. It is


LEARN FRENCH IN 2 MINUTES - French idiom : Mine de rien

Transcript Bonjour tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien. Today we're going to look at a French expression in a few minutes. Before we start, feel free to activate the French or English subtitles if you need them.

Free videos to learn French

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👉 24 everyday expressions to know (40 minutes)

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