Author: Mathieu

press review march 2020

Podcast #12 Press Review March 8-14, 2020

The news of the week: Coronavirus: the epidemic becomes a pandemic [spp-timestamp time="00:00:42″] Italy, first country to place its entire population under quarantine [spp-timestamp time="00:01:18″] Clashes in Italian prisons [spp-timestamp time="00:02:26″] Coronavirus: an update on the situation


Podcast #11 Press review from February 23 to 29, 2020

The news of the week February 23 - 29, 2020 Afghanistan: a historic [tooltips keyword="agreement " content="agreement"] signed between the United States and the Taliban. [spp-timestamp time="00:00:44″] [tooltips keyword="Protections hygiéniques " content="sanitary products"] [tooltips keyword="gratuites " content="free"] for women in Scotland.


Podcast #10 Press review from February 16 to 22, 2020

The news of the week February 16-22, 2020: Racist shootings in Germany leave 9 dead. [spp-timestamp time="00:00:37″] In Iraq, women demonstrated against corruption. [spp-timestamp time="00:01:49″] In Rome, the tomb of Romulus, founder


Podcast #9 Press Review February 9-15, 2020

The news of the week February 9 - 15, 2020: Election of the new mayor of Paris [spp-timestamp time="00:00:46″] First gay wedding in Northern Ireland [spp-timestamp time="00:01:54″] Abduction and murder of a one-year-old baby in France [spp-timestamp time="00:02:35″]


Podcast #8 Press review from February 2 to 8, 2020

The news of the week February 2 - 7, 2020: App causes fiasco in US Democratic primaries. [spp-timestamp time="00:00:41″] EU enlargement: the Balkan question. [spp-timestamp time="00:01:49″] Coronavirus in China:

podcast 7

Podcast #7 Press review from January 25 to February 1, 2020

The news of the week from January 25 to February 1, 2020 Kobe Bryant, the American basketball star, dies in a helicopter crash [spp-timestamp time="00:00:48″] Brexit: the UK officially left Europe this January 31, 2020 [spp-timestamp

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