FAMILY French Vocabulary Test - 20 words not so obvious to know 😅

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FAMILY French Vocabulary Test - 20 words not so obvious to know 😅


Hello everyone. Welcome to this new French lesson. Today, I'm going to test your knowledge of French colloquial vocabulary. I will ask you 20 questions. Take a sheet of paper to write down your answers and at the end of the video, we will see together the correction and you will be able to note down the number of points you have obtained.

Colloquial vocabulary, colloquial French, is a vocabulary that we don't usually see in school when we study in French classes. However, it is very important vocabulary and expressions if you want to come and live in France or come on vacation in France. Or if you want to understand series, shows, movies. Because it's a vocabulary that is used every day in families, in groups of friends, et cetera.

I am a nurse. I have been working for three years in a hospital in Marseille.

Question two. Lola has ... Chris, he is single since yesterday!

Question three. I haven't eaten in 24 hours. I...

Question four. I didn't sleep last night. I am exhausted. I just want to go home and...

Question five. I can't follow the GPS. That's three times I've... gone the wrong way. I have to go back. That's three times I've...

Question six. Cindy is ... She bought three Chanel bags last month. She has a lot of money.

Question seven. I spent 2 hours doing my makeup and hair. How do I look?

Question eight. I didn't do anything all day. I sat on the couch for five hours watching TV. Sometimes it feels good...

Question nine. I'm bored of this evening. I'm bored. I'm calling a cab. I'm...

Question ten. My wallet has been stolen. I'm going to call the...

Question eleven. I'm really hungry. Do you want to buy some...

Question twelve. I don't know what to wear to the party. I have nothing to wear. Are you kidding me? You have at least a ton of...

Question thirteen. I spent the afternoon of 12:00 at the park with...

I don't have any more... I spent it all on a car. I'll have to borrow money from my parents.

You have a good... Yes. I read this book recently. I can lend it to you.

Question sixteen. Can you pass me the bottle of... I'm super thirsty, I need to hydrate.

I bought a... There is no bus to get to my work. It's a Renault Twingo.

Question eighteen. Did you see the last James Bond movie? Yes, but I didn't like it. I found the movie...

Question nineteen. Her parents keep... I think they're getting a divorce.

Question twenty. This is the third time I've lost my phone. I am fed up. I am...

The test is finished. Let's move on to the correction. Each correct answer is worth one point and there were 20 questions. So each correct answer is worth one point out of 20.

At the end of the correction, feel free to comment on the number of points you got. Getting a good grade is good, but the most important thing is to learn vocabulary. So if you don't know most of these words, that's of course okay.

Feel free to retake this test a little later to see if you have memorized them well.

Question one. The correct answer was. I am a nurse and I have been working for three years in a hospital in Marseille. In everyday language, you can say I have been working for three years in a hospital in Marseille. Bosser is a colloquial verb that is used instead of travailler.

Question two, the correct answer is Lola dumped Chris. He is single since yesterday. In everyday French, you can say Lola left Chris. Larguer is a word used in colloquial French.

Correction to question three. I haven't eaten in 24 hours. I'm starving. Starving means that you are very, very hungry again in colloquial language.

Correction to question four. I didn't sleep last night. I'm exhausted, I just want to go home and sleep. To sleep is a slang term for sleeping.

Question five. I can't follow the GPS. That's three times I've gone the wrong way. I have to go back. The correct answer was answer A. I'm going the wrong way. It comes from the verb to go wrong. You can also use the verb to screw up in colloquial language. It means to be wrong, to make a mistake. You can also goof off in a French exercise, you made a mistake.

Question six. Cindy is loaded. She bought three Chanel bags last month. She has a lot of money. Being loaded means you're really rich.

Question seven. I spent two hours putting on my makeup and doing my hair. How do I look? Hot. The correct answer was answer A. When you want to say something looks great, you can say it's hot.

Question eight. I didn't do anything all day. I sat on the couch for five hours watching TV. Sometimes it feels good to just hang out. The correct answer was D. Idling means doing nothing.

Question nine. I'm bored of this evening. I'm bored, I'm leaving, I'm calling a cab. To get out or to leave are verbs that are used in colloquial language as a synonym for to leave. I call a cab, I'm leaving this party.

Question ten. My wallet was stolen. I'm going to call the cops to file a report. Cops are all policemen in colloquial language. You can also say the cops. But never use this word in front of them, they might not be very happy.

Question eleven. I'm super hungry. Do you want to buy some food? Oh yeah, how about a pizza? Food is just food.

Question twelve. I don't know what to wear to the party, I have nothing to wear. Are you kidding me? You have at least a ton of clothes in your closet. Clothes is a synonym for clothes.

Question thirteen. I spent the afternoon at the park with the kids. They played with three neighborhood kids. Kid is a synonym for child. Either to talk about children in general, or to talk about your own children.

Question fourteen. I have no money left, I spent it all on a car. I'll have to borrow money from my parents. Money is a slang synonym for money. There are a lot of synonyms for the word money in slang. I made a special video on this topic. I'll show it to you above.

Question fifteen. Do you have a good book to recommend? Yes, I read this book recently. Book is simply a synonym for book. This word is really basic colloquial language. Everyone uses it, regardless of age or social background.

Question sixteen. Can you pass me the bottle of water? I'm super thirsty, I need to hydrate. The correct answer was A. Float. Float, we use it as a synonym for water. Float, water. But we can also use the verb float instead of the verb rain. It floated all afternoon. It rained all afternoon.

Question seventeen. I bought a car, there is no bus to get to my work. It's a Renault Twingo. A bagnole is a synonym for car. Another word you can use in colloquial language is a car.

Question eighteen. Did you see the last James Bond movie? Yes, but I didn't like it. I thought the movie sucked. Lame is a synonym for bad.

Question nineteen. Her parents are always fighting. I think they're getting a divorce. Fighting is a colloquial term for arguing.

Question 20. This is the third time I've lost my phone. I'm fed up, I'm drunk. The correct answer was C. Being drunk means being fed up.

That's it for this fix. Let me know if you like this test video format.

I'll see you soon.

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